About Us
President’s Welcome

Greetings, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our chapter webpage.
I am honored to serve as the 8th Chapter President for the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter. A chapter started in 2005 with 18 years of service for All Children with Excellence.
Welcome to our Chapter to our chapter webpage. As mother members of this illustrious organization, it is our goal to assure the absolute excellence of all children in every aspect. As a mother’s organization truly for the children, ALL about the children that we are charged and blessed to nurture, encourage, educate, and Ignite the Greatness in our future leaders.
As the 2023-2024 Chapter President it is my goal to remain aligned with our National and Regional endeavors for our children working hand in hand with my Executive Board. This is accomplished through phenomenal programming which is the heart of what we do for our children. Operating under five thrusts which are, recreational, civic, science, culture, and health. Our ever-growing chapter of 83 mother members, 22 Associate jewels, and a fabulous Fathers Auxillary will continue to be On Mission and On Purpose. Continuing our founding Village concept (It takes a Village) as we Ignite Greatness and Empower Excellence across the Buckhead Atlanta area in our philanthropic and humanitarian endeavors. As you peruse our webpage it is my hope that you see our mission and goals through the service we render and programming we provide.
Igniting Greatness, Empowering Excellence,
LaNeish Morgan Holland
Buckhead Atlanta Chapter President
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.